My intention was to do a continuation of the post "In Remembrance and Gratitude" the next day....but obviously that didn't happen and I would like to pick up where I left off now. I reflect daily on where my life has taken me and how the choices I have made, although seemingly insignificant has affected where I am on a large scale. It reminds me of a movie called "Sliding Doors" staring Gwyneth Paltrow. The movie shows how a person's life can be affected drastically by one small event. After a woman gets fired from work and takes the subway home early she returns to find her boyfriend either in the middle of having an affair or just after his mistress has left. It was a matter of her either making the subway before the doors shut or just missing it by literally a second. The entire movie shows the two paths she follows after that moment in time. As I reflect on my own life, I pause and think would this be happening if I hadn't done that? Or would I end up here eventually, just by a different road? People come into our lives to teach us something....some stay an eternity others just briefly...but they all effect us in some way. So, let this be another thank you to all of those that I have crossed paths with. Thank you for being you....
Charles is a beautiful photographer, who took the next four photos. I crashed at his place while in Ft. Lauderdale. I would say that Charles is one of the most special people I have met. He had an accident at age 15 that left in paralyzed, but did not take away his spirit. He has such vitality and deep wisdom and a love for life. His smile makes me smile.

This is Ben...a good natured and fun loving individual. He also happens to be pretty darn photogenic. He was in town visiting Charles from Canada.

I met Shannon on my "Birthday Mission". He is from Australia and has been travelling for the last year. At times I would say that Shannon is the life of the party...he is excellent at meeting new people and bringing a group of strangers together.

Julie-Anne is also a friend of the photographer. She was visiting from Canada and is had a little baby on the way!

Jason, also Canadian, lives and works with Charles. If Charles wasn't behind the camera, Jason was. Good, kind soul he is.

Okay, back to my photos. Jose and Bob invited me sailing on many occasions while I lived at the Bonita Bills Marina. They were excellent company and taught me a lot about sailing.

Pete and his wife Patricia(below) are Bonita Bill's locals, they helped us out a lot, made me laugh, and both are unique individuals.

Patricia is from Columbia and as smile and demeanor that brightens your day. She is never seen without her faithful companion, Linda.

I must not forget my first companions of the trip...the Pittsburgh boys. I had a lot of fun and many laughs with these fun and generous guys in Key West.