Hey Y'all! If there are any of y'all still there....its been a while.
I am on here again so the peeps back home and new buddies in Florida can follow my new ADVENTURES in BOULDER! I am very excited to post some great photos of this beautiful state....blows my mind! But first a quick update that will blow yours!
During my time at sea or shall I say at port? Anyway, during my time away I began a long correspondence with Akshay. =) That must be followed by a smile, because well, I am in love with Akshay.
Mr. Akshay is a striking young gentleman from yoga class. To put it in my exact words he is the "hottie yoga-guy" that I have been gazing at across a sweaty yoga room for nearly three years. Yes, sometimes the one you have a crush on, has a crush on you, too. Usually nobody is brave enough to find out.
After being inspired by a stranger in class that complimented me on my yoga practice, I decided to start doing the same. Well, who do you think I chose first? You got it, hottie yoga-guy! After making the connection, I was unable to return to class, therefore never seeing where my brave attempts took me. Little did I know, he was waiting for my return with baited breath.
About 3 months later and the ocean between us we connected on line. Akshay doesn't like to mention how this happened, well because for some its embarrassing, but for me I feel indebted forever for this piece of technology. Yes, Facebook brought us together. But wait, its not no usual Facebook connection. You see, it was magic. I'd like to quote a line from The Alchemist now, "When you really want something, the whole universe conspires to help you..." In this case the Universe disguised itself as Facebook and proceded to suggest me as a friend. That's right my face popped up on his page one day and he was like "Hey that's the girl from yoga". Funnier thing is there were no mutual friends involved, so it was purely coincidence or shall we say the Higher Powers the be in action....hahaha.
Of course like a fairy tale we swiftly fell in love and well when you know, you know? (never understood this, until now!) Its been 6 months of AWESOMENESS and believe it or believe it, we are now ENGAGED! Crazy, went from sailboats and sabbaticals to marriage proposals....now you see why the HUGE update.
That being said...I got accepted to grad school and have just relocated to Boulder. Next post, what its like to be back in school!
For now, lots of love to all those I have left behind on my move to the mountains. I love and hold you in my heart...all of you, even if our moments together were short, your smile is engraved in my memory.